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Lead Adjunct Instructor

Tactical Operations | Executive Protection 

Rim comes to WSG with more than 23 years of experience in Federal law enforcement. In 1996, Rim joined the FBI as an investigative specialist with the Special Surveillance Group (SSG) in the New York Field Office. As a member of the SSG, he conducted numerous surveillances of various espionage and terrorist targets in the United States.

In 2002, Rim transferred to the Houston Field Office of the Secret Service, where he was assigned to the counterfeit squad where he investigated cases of passing and production of counterfeit U.S. currencies. He also provided protection to Heads of State and supplemented the protective detail for Former President George H.W. Bush and Former First Lady Barbara Bush.


In 2004, Rim was reassigned to the Special Operations Division in Washington, DC as a member of the Secret Service Counter Assault Team (CAT). As a member of CAT, Rim was part of a team that provided tactical coverage and support for the President and Vice President of the United States and high-level foreign Heads of State. Rim also conducted domestic and foreign tactical advances, including the 2006 Olympic Games in Italy.


In 2007, Rim transferred to the Vice-Presidential Protective Division, where he served as a shift agent to the Vice President and Second Lady of the United States. Rim conducted various domestic and foreign advances in Kabul, Afghanistan. Since 2009, Rim has been a Special Agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Some of Rim’s training and certifications include the Firearms Instructor Course, FBI's SSG Course, U.S. Secret Service Counter Assault Team Course, Counter Assault Team Leader Course, and Counter Surveillance Course.

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